Tutorial Video
Click above to watch a tutorial on how to restore your Panopto Archived content with the fastest methods available.
When to Use?
You can manually restore Panopto videos from the Archive by following this process. Videos that have been archived for 13 months will be purged from the system. Please see our Content Retention Policy for more information about when videos are archived and purged.
1. Navigate to your Panopto Archive by clicking the link or using the setting option.

2. Restore videos individually by clicking the 'Restore' button.

3a. Restore multiple videos by selecting them with the checkbox in the top left of the video preview. Select all videos by clicking the 'Select all' button.

3b. After selecting at least one videos you want to restore, click the 'Restore' button at the top of the page.

NOTE: After clicking restore, the video are placed in a server wide queue for all of North America. The restoration can take up to 48 hours to complete. There is, unfortunately, no way to speed up the restoration process. Our suggestion is to restore the videos that are needed most urgently first, so they have a higher placement in the queue.
Emergency Preparation Folder in Blackboard
You can create a folder in Blackboard which contains archived videos for easy access in case of emergency. This will make the restoration process easier, and will allow students to restore archived videos. This process does require that the archived videos initially are restored, using the method above.
1. Create a folder or module in Blackboard with the name "Emergency Lecture Videos" or something similar.

2. Embed your Panopto video in the created folder.
3a. Change the folder visibility settings to "Visible to students"
3b. Move the video to a different folder which has the visibility setting set to "Visible to students"

4. In the event you need to restore the video from the archive, click on it and select the underlined text "Restore from Archive"

Students can also complete this step when attempting to view an archived video.
NOTE: The restoration time can vary based on server load at the time. Panopto's official statement is that Archived videos can take up to 48 hours to restore. However, in all of our testing at GVSU, across dozens of videos and folders, most archived videos were restored within 15 minutes.
5. You will receive an email when the video has been restored.