When to Use?
Forms are questionnaires or surveys designed to collect information or gather student opinions. By default, forms are not graded; however, instructors may enable grading or delegate forms for extra credit.
Note: If a survey has been copied from a Blackboard Classic course into an Ultra course, it will transfer over as a form, retaining all valid question types as listed below.
Alternatives to Blackboard forms as surveys are also provided.
Creating a Form
1. Click on the purple plus sign and choose Create.
2. When the Create Item layer opens, scroll down to the Assessment area, and select Form.

3. When the new layer opens, the form will appear the same as if you were creating a test or an assignment. Give the form a name and click on the plus sign to add content.
a. Question Types
i. Essay question
ii. Likert question
iii. Multiple Choice question
iv. True/False question
v. Reuse questions
b. Content Types:
i. Text
ii. Local file

Note: While forms can be graded, individual question types cannot. See below for more information regarding grading forms.
Form Settings
NOTE: errors occasionally occur when changing multiple settings of forms at once. To prevent errors, change one setting at a time, for example, set a due date and save; choose the anonymous setting then save; add points for the form or survey and then save, etc.
1. To modify your form’s settings, select the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen.

2. Here, you may make the following modifications:
a. Due date and time
b. Prohibit late submissions
c. Prohibit new attempts after due date
c. Enable class conversations
d. Presentation options
i. Display one question at a time
ii. Prohibit backtracking
iii. Randomize questions
iv. Randomize answers
v. Randomize pages (if the form is split into multiple pages)
e. Formative tools
i. Formative assessment
ii. Display formative label to students
f. Grading & submissions
i. Grade category
ii. Attempts allowed
iii. Grade using
- letter
- points
- percentage
- complete/incomplete
iv. Maximum points
g. Additional tools
i. Assign to groups
h. Description
Note: Instructors can assign a Form to a group and allow multiple attempts. When assigning forms to groups, enabling multiple attempts promotes dynamic, iterative learning experiences. Groups can now submit the Form, receive feedback, and submit another response.
Reviewing Results
To review form submissions all at once, you may download the results as an Excel or CSV file. See the steps below:
1. Once you have entered your Blackboard shell, select the “Gradebook” option from the top menu.

2. Enter the list view. This can be done through selecting the three-line icon in the gradebook.

3. Navigate to your form in the gradebook and select the three dots on the right side of the item. Click “Download Results.”

4. Within the newly-opened menu, select the options based on your preferences. Click “Download” once you are ready.

Grading Forms and Enabling Extra Credit
If grading is enabled, the instructor must individually grade each submission. You may not select or assign a correct answer to each question, nor can you create individual grades for each question.
To create an extra credit form activity, ensure that the form is worth zero points. When grading submissions, you may then enter in the extra credit point total. Additionally, ensure that the students are aware the form is an extra credit assignment by including the information in the title or description of the form.

Alternative Form/Survey Options
Google Forms: Google Forms is a free and user-friendly tool for creating surveys and questionnaires. You can create a form, share it with your students, and collect responses anonymously. Google Forms allows you to export the results to analyze the data. If you don’t have a faculty Google account, see this resource for requesting a GVSU Google account.
Microsoft Forms: Like Google Forms, Microsoft Forms is a free tool with our GVSU Microsoft license for creating surveys and quizzes. You can create anonymous forms, share them with students, and export the data for analysis.
Qualtrics: Qualtrics is a comprehensive survey and research platform that allows for complex survey design, data analysis, and reporting. GVSU has a Qualtrics license available to faculty, staff, and students for creating surveys and collecting data. See this resource for logging into Qualtrics. See this resource for accessing Qualtrics support materials.
Paper Surveys: While not digital, paper surveys can still be effective if you teach in person. You can distribute printed surveys to your students and collect them physically.
Sample Midterm Surveys: The Faculty Teaching & Learning Center has compiled sample questionnaires that can be modified for your survey needs.