Integrating Padlet into your Course


This article will show you how to integrate Padlet into a Blackboard Ultra course (LTI 1.3).


When to Use?

This article will show you how to integrate Padlet into a Blackboard Ultra course (using LTI 1.3). 

Before beginning, it is helpful to be signed in to Padlet with your Padlet unique sign in.

If you are a student looking to post on a Padlet board, please refer to our Padlet for Students Knowledge Base article.


Using Padlet as an Ungraded Item in your Course

  1. Click on the ‘Add Content’ button and select ‘Content Market’.
    Content Market
  2. Click on the ‘Padlet’ LTI link.
  3. Choose the Padlet board that you would like to add.
    If you want each student to work on their own Padlet, select the ‘Create a copy for each user’ option. This is the same as the ‘Remade’ feature from Bb Classic.
    Select a Padlet
  4. Your Padlet will display in class, you can change the name by clicking the ‘Settings’ dots and selecting ‘Edit’.
    Padlet displays in course


Using Padlet as a Graded Assignment

  1. Create an Assignment item, then in the text box, add your assignment instructions for your Padlet, any rubric and the Padlet live link.  (Creating the Assignment item automatically creates the gradebook column for you to manually enter the grades.)
  2. Update the Assignment settings:
    • Select the 'Collect submissions offline' check box
    • Add a due date for the assignment (this adds it to the Bb calendar for students)
    • Add a grading option (complete/incomplete or point value)
    • Click Save at the bottom of the Assignment box

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)





Article ID: 13423
Mon 5/1/23 11:29 AM
Fri 3/7/25 11:36 AM

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