How to Access Faculty & Student Webpages


Procedure related to Faculty (FACWEB) & Student (WWW2) webpages.


When to Use?

Use for questions or procedure related to Faculty (FACWEB) & Student (WWW2) webpages.

Requesting Access

  • You can go directly to Application Access Request on the Service Portal and click Submit a Ticket on the right.  
    • Note that you may need to log into the website at the top right corner. 
  • In the Access To field, select Faculty/Staff Webpage or Student Webpage
  • Fill out the rest of the ticket and click Request
  • You will be notified by email when your request has been completed. 

Editing & Viewing Webpage

  • For Faculty (FACWEB):
    1. Open up your files and go to \\\dfs\FACWEB-Private
    2. Open the folder with your username
    3. You are now in your web space and may edit your pages from this directory.
      1. Your homepage must be named one of the following:
        1. index.html
        2. index.htm
        3. default.htm 
    4. You can view your webpage by opening up a browser and navigating to:
      • Example:
  • For Student (WWW2):
    1. Open up your files and go to \\\dfs\WWW2.
    2. Open the folder with the letter of your last name or the beginning letter of your username. 
    3. Open the folder with your username
    4. You are now in your web space and may edit your pages from this directory. 
      1. Your homepage must be named one of the following:
        1. default.htm
        2. default.asp
        3. index.htm
        4. index.html
        5. iisstart.htm
    5. You can view your webpage by opening up a browser and navigating to:
      • Example:



Article ID: 11063
Fri 11/11/22 3:58 PM
Fri 5/31/24 10:22 AM