When to Use?
This article explains how to add a GVSU Save Course Materials link to a Blackboard Ultra course. This link was previously named "Bookshelf by VitalSource" in the Build Content area and is now GVSU Save Course Materials.
If you’re using a GVSU Save / VitalSource eBook or course content be sure to add / update the required link in your course and make it available to students so that they can access the materials or opt-out by the designated date.
1. Log into Blackboard and navigate to a course where you are an instructor and would like to add the GVSU Save / VitalSource Bookshelf course materials link.
2. On the Course Content page/tab, click the + sign in the area of the course where you would like to insert your link and select “Content Market”.
3. Locate the “GVSU Save Course Materials” tool and click the + sign in the bottom right-hand corner of the tool panel.
NOTE: Tools are listed in alphabetical order.
4. This will add a link to your course titled “GVSU Save Course Materials”.
5. Click the three dots icon next to the link and select “Edit”.
6. In the “Description” field enter the following text:
GVSU SAVE course materials are required by your instructor. To Opt-Out just click on the link above and follow the instructions. YOU MUST OPT-OUT BY (DATE VARIES BY SEMESTER). Your student account will be refunded if you Opt-Out by this date.
NOTE: Actual dates will vary. To find out which date students have to Opt-Out by, please contact the GVSU LakerStore for additional information.
7. By default, the link will be hidden from students. Click the eye icon and select “Visible to students” to make the link available.
8. Click the “Save” button.
NOTE: Content may not be immediately available, but you can test the link by clicking on the name of the link to access the VitalSource “My Courses Home” page. Select the orange “Read Now” button to open a publication that has been associated with your course.
You can create a Bookshelf account using your university email address to access your book outside of Blackboard.
NOTE: To complete the next steps, you will need the GVSU Save and Bookshelf Online flyers. If you already have these files, proceed to Step 9, if you do not, please download and save the "GVSUSave-Flyer_V21" and the "Bookshelf Online - completing your full account - GVSU Save_2024" files found in the Attachments section of this page (bottom-right corner of the screen) in order to complete the steps described in the next section.
9. Return to the Course Content page/tab, click the + sign in the area of the course where you would like to insert the “GVSU Save Program Information” flyer and select “Upload”.
10. Navigate to the “GVSUSave-Flyer_V21.pdf” on your computer, select the file and click “Open” to add the file.
11. Click the three dots icon next to the attachment and select “Edit”.
12. Hover your cursor over the title of the PDF and click the pencil icon. Replace the title of the PDF with the following.
Name: GVSU Save Program Information
13. Click the eye icon, select “Visible to students” to make the link available and then click the “Save” button.
14. Return to Step #9 and use the listed procedures for adding the "Bookshelf Online - completing your full account - GVSU Save_2024.pdf" file to your course content page.
The “GVSU Save” content area should now contain the following items and will be ready for your students to access once the course is open to students.