STRATUS (Remote Desktop Environment)


STRATUS is a remote desktop environment used for classroom environments (predominantly in the Padnos College of Engineering and Computing) and for university research.

For the classroom, there may be some applications that require more computing resources than a student's personal laptop can handle. Access to a physical computer lab can also be a barrier for many. STRATUS provides remote access to university licensed software on high performance servers on any device capable of running Mircrosoft Remote Desktop.

Much the same for research, STRATUS can provide higher performance and more secure environments than what would be available on their issued university computers. 

(Fun fact: STRATUS stands for scalable technology for research and teaching for university scholars.)

Supported Systems and Software

STRATUS environments run the Microsoft Windows operating system.

For classrooms, STRATUS current has environments tailored our various schools, departments and majors with the following software:

Engineering: SolidWorks, ANSYS, etc.

Computing: Visual Studio, IDLE, IntelliJ

Geography: ArcGIS

Eligibility & Access

Students are given access to STRATUS based on their major, minor and/or course enrollment in (including but not necessarily limited to) Engineering, Computing, Statistics, and Geography courses.

To access STRATUS (for those enrolled in such courses), see our guide: How to Connect to a STRATUS Remote Desktop Session

Access to a STRATUS environment for research is available upon request and approval.


There is no cost for this service, however, grant funded research helps keep these services available for GVSU.

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Related Articles (2)

A guide to assist Windows 11 users with STRATUS connection issues.


Service ID: 281
Wed 7/21/21 11:36 AM
Mon 6/26/23 2:36 PM

Service Offerings (1)

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