User Roles in Blackboard for Courses and Organizations


A description of user roles in courses and organizations.


When to Use?

Learn the access levels for users in Blackboard courses and organizations.


Course Access Levels

  • Instructor – has full access to the course. Instructors can control tool availability. Shows in the left course menu as an instructor with their profile picture shown.
  • Teaching Assistant – has access to most of the course. Teaching assistants can't remove an instructor from a course.
  • Course Builder – can access most areas of the course. This role is appropriate for an assistant who should not have access to student grades.
  • Student – is the default user role. Students can submit coursework and participate in discussions.
  • Grader – has limited access to the course. Graders can assist instructors with creating and grading assessments and surveys.

Organization Access Levels

  • Org Leader - has full access to the organization and can add/remove users from both Classic and Ultra org views.
  • Leader – has full access to the organization.
  • Assistant – has full access to the organization, but cannot remove managers or leaders.
  • Organization Builder – can add, edit or delete content. They do not have access to the grade center. They cannot add users.
  • Grader – has limited access to the organization. They can assist a leader in creating and grading online assessments.
  • Participant – has limited access to the organization. They can submit coursework and participate in discussions.



Article ID: 716
Thu 9/23/21 4:23 PM
Mon 7/31/23 1:47 PM