Access Levels for Users in Blackboard Courses


A list of the user access levels in a Backboard course.


When to Use (or Why)?

A list of the user access levels in a Backboard course.


Blackboard allows these access levels within courses:

  • Instructor: Can use all of the control panel and grade center.  Can receive emails from students who email the “Instructor” in the course.
  • Teaching Assistant: Can use almost all parts of the control panel. Can access the grade center. Does not receive “Instructor” emails.
  • Grader: Can use the grade center and Assessment part of the control panel. Cannot edit course content, except to make tests available.
  • Course Builder: Can add, modify, and delete content from the course site. Can use the Documents part of the control panel and can view Users and Groups. Cannot access the Grade Center.
  • Student: Cannot see or use the control panel or Grade Center. Can see the Student Roster and all the tools made available to students in the course.


  • The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of a students’ educational records. Information in a student's educational record is considered private and confidential. This private information can be accessed by faculty and staff in order to perform their legitimate educational and duties for business purposes. By being enrolled in a course that you are not assigned to as the official instructor of record gives you access to student records which are protected under FERPA.

Learn more about FERPA at GVSU: Student FERPA FAQs



Article ID: 651
Fri 9/17/21 11:00 AM
Thu 8/15/24 1:24 PM

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