Add Content to the Course or Organization Content Page


This article explains how to add content in a Blackboard Ultra course or organization.


When to Use?

There are several ways you can add or upload content to your course. You can create new course content items, copy content from other courses, upload files from your computer, add items from your Content Collection, add files from cloud storage, and add content and tools from external sources.


First, on your course content page, select the plus icon where you want to add content. Hover your cursor over where you want to add the new content and select the purple +

Notice the Create Item menu. You can create tests, assignments, or discussions, create learning modules and folders to organize your content, and create documents and links. You can also add external tools and content.

Next, you can copy content from your other courses.

Select Copy Content, and all of your courses appear in the Your Courses list. If you teach many courses, use the search bar to find courses by name or course ID.

  • You can select a course’s check box to copy all the content in that course or select the course name to browse specific content and select the items you want to copy.
  • Select the book next to the course name to go back to the main page.
  • Select View All to see what you’ve selected to copy.
  • When you’re finished, select Copy Selected Content.

Next, you can add items from your Content Collection.

Select Browse Content Collection to get started.

  • Use the Browse functions to explore what's available. Here, you can find files stored from your other courses. You'll also have access to files that your institution has added and shared.
  • When you find a file you want to add to your course, select the checkbox next to the file name. You can continue to browse and select files—the system shows how many files you've selected at the bottom of the window. Once you’re ready to add, select submit to review your list of selected items.
  • You can review the list of selected files before you import into your course to confirm that these are the correct files.
  • Forgot something? You can continue adding items to the list. Select Back to Content Collection to continue browsing.
    • To remove or edit a file from the list, open the More options menu. Select Delete if you no longer want to copy the file to your course. Select Edit to change the file's name or description.
  • When you are finished, select Save and the files will be added to your course.

Finally, you can upload files from Cloud Storage. This option allows you to upload files from web apps that run in the "cloud" and aren't installed on your computer.

  • If this is your first time accessing cloud storage, you will have to sign in and allow the cloud integration service to connect to your web app. You can manage your accounts and cloud services from the Accounts menu.
  • In the cloud storage window, you can see your files for the selected web app. Select a folder to view the contents or an individual file you want to upload.
  • Then, Select to add the file to the page.

See Also: Add Files, Images, Audio, and Video

Create Content

Reuse Content

Add Content from External Sources



Article ID: 6140
Mon 5/23/22 1:36 PM
Thu 2/20/25 12:37 PM

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