When to Use?
Meeting hosts can split participants into up to 50 breakout rooms for scheduled Zoom meetings. These rooms allow for smaller discussions beyond the larger initial meeting. Hosts can assign participants to this room automatically, or they can have participants select their own room.
Video Overview and Guide Provided by Zoom
Enabling breakout rooms
Enable Breakout Rooms
If you do not see the option for Breakout Rooms in your Zoom meeting, check your settings to make sure they're enabled:
- Go to GVSU Video Conferencing and select Sign In (Configure your account)
- Sign in with your GVSU credentials.
- Select Settings
- Meetings should already be selected. Now select In Meeting (Advanced) or scroll down the page to find that section.
- Click the toggle next to Breakout Room to enable breakout rooms

Let Participants Choose Breakout Room
This functionality is now available in Zoom version 5.3.0 or later.
When the Let participants choose room option is enabled by the host (and when the host and participants are on Zoom 5.3.0 or later), participants can move freely between breakout rooms without needing the host’s help.
Further Reading Provided by Zoom