When to Use?
This article will walk you through embedding Panopto Videos with Quizzes in Ultra Course View.
1. Go to your course's Content tab and click the plus icon (+) to access content options.
2. From the content list, select Content Market.

3. Scroll down until you locate Panopto Quiz.

4. After you click on the Panopto Quiz button, you will be taken into a Panopto window
5. Select your video from the list shown. If you do not see your video follow steps A, B, and C to find it.
A. Click the drop-down menu at the top to find the folder it’s in.
B. If you don’t see the folder your video is in, click on the little black triangle next to the folder to expand it. The subfolders are shown.
C. Find the folder your video is in and click on it.

6. Select the video you want to embed and chose your embedded player preferences under Video Embed Options. With Video Embed Options, you can:
- Start At (HH:mm: ss, hours and minutes optional): Controls the time in the video where playback will start.
- Interactivity: Choose from All, Search and Rating Only, or None. All will allow a viewer to search within the video, rate the video, access the table of contents, make notes, and add discussion posts. Search and Rating Only will allow a viewer to only search through the video and rate it but not access the other interactive features. None removes all of the interactive features.
- Autoplay: Select this option to have the video begin playing automatically when the webpage loads.
- Enable 'Watch in Panopto': Select this option to display an arrow that allows a viewer to open the video in the full interactive player.
- Show Title: Select this option to display the title of the video at the top of the player.
- Show Logo: Select this option to display your organization's embedded logo in the player.
- Show Captions: Automatically enable captions that were created and added to the video.
7. Once your video has been selected and your player preferences have been set, click on the Insert button in the bottom right-hand corner.
8. After clicking Insert, your page will refresh and your Panopto video should appear in your Blackboard course. To edit the name, set the visibility, due date, grade scale, etc. select the ellipsis (…) to the left of the video, and then click Edit from the drop-down menu that appears.

Students can select the video link and it will open the Panopto player inside of the Blackboard Ultra course. Students who watch the content and take the quiz will have their grades synced to the course's Blackboard Gradebook.