Navigating Courses and Organizations in Blackboard Ultra


In Blackboard Ultra you can search for courses by name or filter the view to hide or show courses right from your Courses list. This article explains how.


When to Use?

In Blackboard Ultra you can search for courses by name or filter the view to hide or show courses right from your Courses list. You can mark courses as favorites for easier access to the courses you use most frequently. All courses are accessible regardless of the view choice. Some courses are set up with different properties and require a change in course view to access previous inactive courses. Your courses are listed in alphabetical order; you can no longer re-order your course list.



Filter or search your list: Use the Filter menu to modify your page view. If you navigate to another page, all courses show again. Use the search function to find courses on the current page.

Browse by term: Move to past, current, and upcoming courses. You can choose how many appear on each page. At the bottom of the list, you will find a page selector to navigate through long lists.

  • If the term duration has elapsed, the course appears in Past Courses with the term name as the page title.
  • If the term duration is in the present, the course appears in Current Courses with the term name as a group.
  • If the term Start and End dates are both in the future, the course appears in Upcoming Courses with the term name as a group.

Current Courses 

In the left navigation, select Courses to access your course list.

All courses you are enrolled in are displayed under “Current Courses” unless you have hidden a course from your view. If a course is unavailable to students, it is marked as “Private”. You can adjust which term is showing by selecting Current Courses and choosing an alternate term.

You can return to previous courses to review content, reuse material, and prepare your future courses. Simply navigate to the semester and year the course was taught from the drop-down menu.

Courses view in Blackboard Ultra


Filtering Options When Next Semester Courses Appear

When courses for next semester are added, they are the most current courses; therefore, they are shown at the top of the page when viewing current courses. Here are a couple of viewing suggestions to move next semester’s courses from the top of the page.

1. Use the Favorites feature to note your current semester courses as your favorite. Doing so will place your favorite courses at the top of the Courses page. To mark a course as a favorite, simply click inside the star icon, which shades the star purple. 

Star icon on the course card


Star icon shaded purple to indicate the course is a favorite course.

Click inside the star anytime you wish to toggle a course as a favorite.


2. Another option for you is to simply hide the next semester's courses. You can always unhide them whenever you’re ready to see them on the Courses page under the Current Courses filter. To hide a course, click on the meatball menu on the right side of the course tile and select Hide course.

Meatball menu icon and the hide course option from the menu


If you need to access your next semester's courses while they are hidden, you can filter for hidden courses by selecting the Hidden from me option from the course filter:


Hidden from me course filter

When you’re ready to unhide the courses, go back to the meatball menu and select Show course. Doing so will place the course back on Current Courses toward the top of the page (below any favorite courses marked by you).

Show course option from the meatball menu on the course card



Non-Current Courses/Organizations

Courses remain available in Blackboard for one year and one semester (4 semesters total). These courses are all visible under Current Courses, with the most current courses listed at the top.

Courses not tied to a particular term (e.g., Master or Template courses) are listed at the bottom of the page.

Missing courses from your Course List could have been hidden, which you can see by toggling to the option marked "Hidden from me". 

Grid view of courses with filter options menu shown.

Course Cards

You can view the Courses page in either a list or a grid format. Each course card lists the course ID, course title, and instructor. If your course has multiple instructors, select Multiple Instructors for a list. Select More info to see the description and schedule, if added.

Grid view of courses showing course tiles in Blackboard Ultra.

List view of courses in Blackboard Ultra.

Move between past, current, and upcoming courses. If you have several courses, you can also choose how many courses appear on each page. At the top of the list, you will find a page selector to navigate through long lists.

Page selector giving the option to select how many items show on a page.




Article ID: 5234
Tue 4/19/22 4:45 PM
Thu 7/11/24 9:41 AM