Who has access to GVSU Gmail?
- Admitted students
- Current students
- Alumni that have graduated from GVSU
- Additional users
- Faculty/staff that have requested a Gmail account
- Select Registered Student Organizations
Unable to Login?
If you are receiving the error to recheck your username and password, try logging in once more. This is typically caused by a misspelled username/password, or the password has expired.
Verify that you are using your GVSU Network ID and password, you do not need to include "". If you are unsure of your password or suspect that it may be expired, and you know your G Number, please reset your Network ID password here.
If resetting your password does not resolve the error message, try clearing the cache and cookies in your web browser. Instructions for clearing the cache in common web browsers are below.
If you receive an "Authentication Error" when attempting to log in, open a new tab in your web browser and try logging into myBanner or another system that uses the Central Login Service. Once logged in, open a new tab, and try accessing your email again.
G Suite
If you receive the error that your G Suite has been disabled, this is due to your account having been compromised, prompting IT Security to place a block on the account to prevent further phishing attempts. If this is the error message that you are receiving, please contact IT Services at 616-331-2101 to go through security questions and have your account re-enabled.
If you are in need of further assistance with your account, such as not knowing your G Number to reset your password or your contact information is out of date at, please contact IT Services at 616-331-2101.