When to Use?
This article describes responsible officers', data stewards, and subject matter experts' definitions and responsibilities. Each data domain has Responsible Officers and Data Stewards, representatives.
Responsible Officers
University individuals responsible for managing Data Domains and ensuring the integrity, quality, and security of Grand Valley State University's data. Responsible Officers are typically in a leadership role and are appointed by and have an organizational reporting relationship with the Senior Leadership Team. Responsible Officers appoint Data Stewards and Subject Matter Experts.
- Address issues of data quality identified by Campus Stakeholders.
- Ensure that all data elements have unambiguous definitions.
- Ensure that data elements no longer active or used are retired and removed.
- Grant access to data and ensure proper controls to protect information assets.
- Appoint official Data Stewards for specific data sets within their purview. If a Responsible Officer does not designate a Data Steward for particular data sets, then the Responsible Officer implicitly holds the Data Steward's responsibilities.
- Document and oversee records retention policies and disposition processes based on Federal and State laws and Institutional guidelines.
- Facilitate communication about business process changes that may affect downstream systems or analytics relating to specific data elements.
- Contribute to the development and delivery of a campus data training program
- Responsible for retention and timely disposal or destruction of particular types of records.
Data Stewards and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
Data Stewards and Subject Matter Experts are assigned by and accountable to Responsible Officers to help define, implement, and enforce data management policies and procedures within their specific functional areas.
Data Stewards
University individuals responsible for managing and supporting the day-to-day business operations used to maintain University data. Data Stewards are typically considered subject matter experts on specific sets of data elements, and they understand how the data is used by data consumers (Campus Stakeholders). They hold some official compliance responsibilities (e.g., records retention, sensitive data inventory etc.).
- Comply with Grand Valley State University's policies and follow established business processes in handling data.
- Understand and comply with the records retention and disposition responsibilities for data in their care.
- Address data quality issues that Campus Stakeholders identify (in coordination with Responsible Officers where appropriate).
- Provide input to Responsible Officers and the Data Strategy Committee Group to inform the creation of effective business and governance processes.
- Provide input to Responsible Officers to ensure that all data elements have unambiguous definitions.
- Provide input to Responsible Officers to ensure that data elements that are no longer in active use are retired and removed.
- Provide input to Responsible Officers to facilitate communication about business process changes that may affect downstream systems, reports, and analytics.
- Participate in the definition, design, and review of reports as appropriate.
- Contribute to the development and delivery of a campus data training program.
Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)
University individuals who support the day-to-day business processes used to maintain and/or analyze University data. Perform many of the same duties as Data Stewards, but do not hold official compliance responsibilities.