If your instructor has created a Hypothesis assignment in your Blackboard course that requires reading and interacting with content from your GVSU Save/VitalSource eBook, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions for accessing the eBook and launching the assignment.
When to Use?
If your Blackboard course includes a Hypothesis assignment that requires reading and interacting with your GVSU Save/VitalSource eBook, this guide will provide step-by-step instructions for accessing the eBook and launching the assignment.
- In Blackboard open the GVSU Save/VitalSource eBook(s) assigned to your course by selecting the GVSU Save Course Materials Link.

- Once your VitalSource portal opens, select the Read Now button under the book. This will associate the book license with your account, making it possible to use it in Hypothesis assignments. If prompted to do so, remember to Accept Cookies.

- After you’ve launched your eBook, return to your Blackboard course’s content page. Find and open the link to your Hypothesis assignment. Your eBook reading assignment should load with the Hypothesis annotation toolbar visible.
- You can now begin annotating in your eBook for your Hypothesis assignment. For more on how to annotate, check out this video, Annotation Basics for Students.