When to Use?
The Knowledge Check enhances the learning experience. Knowledge checks allow students to engage with content and receive immediate feedback. Instructors are also empowered with valuable insights to tailor their teaching strategies.
Key Features:
- Question Types: Multiple choice and multiple answer questions
- Feedback: Pre-populated correct and incorrect answer feedback, which instructors can edit
- Student Interaction: Students can select an answer and submit it. They receive immediate feedback on whether their answer is correct or incorrect. Knowledge checks allow unlimited attempts.
- Metrics: Instructors can access detailed metrics including:
- Number of students participating
- Total number of attempts
- Average number of attempts to reach the correct answer
- Maximum number of attempts to reach the correct answer
- Level of difficulty metric
- Percentage of students selecting each answer option
To add a knowledge check, click on the Knowledge check block when creating or editing a document.

Fill in the question text, answer options, and feedback. Click Save when done.
Image 1. Instructor view - Knowledge Check creation

After saving the Knowledge Check, instructors may resize and move it as desired within the document.
Image 2. Animation of student experience interacting with Knowledge Check

Image 3. Instructor view of Knowledge Check metrics

Note: Grading for Knowledge Checks isn't supported at this time. There are also no notifications specific to Knowledge Checks.