Panopto Content Retention Policy | Archiving & Purging


Panopto has content retention policies that determine when unwatched videos are archived and eventually deleted from the system.


What is this policy?

The Panopto Content Retention Policy is an automated process which aims to manage storage and and organize unwatched videos. If a video has not been viewed for 13 consecutive months, then it will be added to the Panopto Archive. If the video is not restored from the Archive after an additional 13 months, it will be permanently deleted from the server. 

When will this start?

Beginning on January 1st, 2025, Panopto videos that have not been viewed within 13 months will automatically be transferred to the Panopto Archive. Going forward, this process will take place on the 1st of each month.

This means that beginning on February 1st, 2026, videos that have been unwatched in the Panopto Archive for 13 months will be automatically deleted from our system. This process will also take place on the 1st of each month.

Can I still view my videos?

Archived videos cannot be viewed. However, they can be manually restored, which will bring back all functionality. The Restoration process can be initiated by any user trying to access the archived video. If your archived video is embedded within a Blackboard Ultra course, it will be available for student users to manually restore. The restoration can take up to 48 hours to complete.

How can I make sure my videos aren't deleted?

If any of your videos are archived, they have 13 months before they will be deleted from our system. In order to find out which of your videos might be at risk of deletion, visit your Panopto Archive page to manually restore them. Simply hover over your video and click "restore from archive". 

Additionally, If the video has been posted in Blackboard and viewed by a student or yourself the video will not be deleted or affected by this policy. All you need to do is click on your video and hit play to prevent a video from being archived or deleted.




Article ID: 19556
Tue 5/14/24 3:08 PM
Tue 6/11/24 10:55 AM