With your files in OneDrive cloud storage, you can share them with others, control who can view or edit them, and work together at the same time.
In your OneDrive file storage, select the files or photos you want to share, and then select Share .
In the Send link, select Can edit to give permission to edit the files.
Select Can view to give permission to view, but not edit the files.
In Copy link, select Copy to get a shareable link to the files or photos.
Select the files or photos you want to share, and then select Share .
Choose if you want to allow editing or viewing permissions.
Enter the email addresses of the people you would like to share with and add an optional message.
Select Send.
Everyone you share with will receive an email.
Select the folder you want to share, and then select Share .
Choose if you want to allow editing, viewing or permissions.
Select Send or Copy to get a shareable link.
Right-click on a shared folder or file, navigate to OneDrive and then select Manage access.
Do one of the following:
Select Grant access to share with more people.
Select Links to change permissions.
Select the Can edit or Can view drop down to change permissions or Remove direct access.
Select Remove to delete the link