Create an Email Link in Your Blackboard Course


This article provides a workaround so students can email you from within your Blackboard course.


When to Use?

The following instructions provide a work around so students can email you from within your Blackboard course. This method bypasses the internal messages in Blackboard and allows students to use their email client to communicate with you.


1. Navigate to your course and on the Course Content page create a new “Document”.

Create new document option from the Create Item menu.

2. On the document's content page select “Add HTML”.

Add HTML option from the content page in between the Add Content and Upload from Computer options.

3. Enter the following HTML text. Be sure to:

  • Replace the email address with the email address that you want to use for receiving student emails
  • Replace the subject with the text that you would like to use for the subject line.
  • Replace the second line with the text that you would like to use for the link.


    Click on this link to open your default email application to send me an email.


NOTE: After the email addresses, you need to add an ? to separate the emails and the subject parameter. If you omit that ?, then the subject link will not work. In addition, you must insert %20 between each word in the subject line in order for all of the text to display correctly in the subject field. Do not use spaces.


Add HTML dialog box containing the requisite HTML code for the email link.

4. Click the Save button.

5. Here is how the newly added link will appear in the document.

Document with the HTML link as it appears in Blackboard Ultra.

5. When the student clicks the link it will open their default mail application with the “To” field and “Subject” line completed.

Email application showing the instructor's email address in the To box along with the subject line filled in.





Article ID: 15332
Fri 8/18/23 3:21 PM
Fri 11/15/24 12:38 PM

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