When to Use?
A peer review assignment enables students to provide feedback on each other’s assignment submissions. Peer reviews allow communication between students and can help them master the concepts of the assignment.
1. Create an assignment by clicking on the purple plus sign.
2. Click on the gear icon to access the assignment settings.
3. Scroll to Evaluation Options and select Peer review.

4. Once Peer review has been selected, the Select peer settings link appears. Click the link to adjust the peer review settings.

5. Save the settings for the assignment.
Note: after creating the assignment, the assignment due date, peer review due date, and settings are shown to students.

6. The assignment is now ready for the student to submit. Note: peer reviews begin after the assignment has been submitted and after the due date.
7. After a student submits their assignment, they will see the option to view their submission. Peer reviews begin after the assignment due date. Students will click on the assignment link to return to the assignment layer to get to the link for providing peer reviews. See image below.

When the student is ready to submit their review of another student, they will receive a warning message indicating they cannot edit their review once submitted.

Once students have submitted their required number of reviews, they are finished with the assignment.
When the time comes to grade the student’s submission, instructors will see both the submission from the student as well as the feedback from peers. The names of peer reviewers are shown to the instructor. Students do not see them.

Grade the assignment as usual by providing a score and leaving feedback. Post the grades.
Students will see the purple feedback icon when they view their gradebook. The feedback icon is located on the right side of the pill icon containing the score.

When students click on the feedback icon, the layer opens for the peer review assignment showing the details: due date, attempts remaining (if any), number of peer reviews remaining (if any), their score along with the purple feedback icon, and a link to the peer reviews they made.

Students can click on the View submission button to view their assignment submission, instructor feedback, and feedback from their peers. Students do not see the names of the peers, who provided feedback.