When to Use?
This article will walk you through importing Pools from a Blackboard Classic course and importing it into a Blackboard Ultra course.
Note: After importing your question pool into Ultra, it is extremely important to do a quality check to ensure it is imported correctly. You may need to make some minor changes.
To export a question pool from Blackboard Original:
1. In Blackboard, click the Courses tab. Then click on the Classic course from which you want to export the pool.
2. In the left-hand Course Menu, under the Control Panel, select Course Tools > Tests, Surveys, and Pools.

2. On the Tests, Surveys, and Pools page, select Pools.

3. Locate the pool you want to export and select the Drop-down Arrow > Export to Local Computer. A zip file will automatically download to your computer.

To import a question pool into Blackboard Ultra:
1. Go back to the Courses page, and select the Ultra course you want to import the pool into.
2. In the Details & Actions panel, select Manage Banks.

2. The Question Banks page will open. In the top right corner, select the plus sign.

3. Browse your device and locate the question pool zip file you previously downloaded and select Open.

4. You’ll receive a success message when the file imports successfully.
Additional resources: Import Question Banks in the Ultra Course View – 1 min Blackboard Help video