When to Use?
Effective 4/22/2023, the New Meeting Join Flow streamlines the user experience of joining a meeting. The “waiting for host” window is combined with the Waiting Room window.

As of April 22, 2023, the new join flow will be enabled for all accounts and be the standard process for joining a meeting or webinar.
Will this impact my already scheduled meetings?
All previously scheduled meetings will be automatically updated to the new join flow and maintain the equivalent security settings as before. There should be no impact to each meeting’s settings, the meeting link, and participants' ability to join these meetings.
Any existing Waiting Room customizations are unaffected by this change.
My video was enabled during the preview, but disabled when I was admitted to the meeting. Why did that happen?
The new join flow allows you to preview your video before joining the meeting, but the host’s meeting settings still take effect once you are fully in the meeting. Thus, if the meeting host disabled participants from enabling their video through in-meeting security controls, that will still take effect upon entering the meeting.
Zoom assistance is available from the service portal if you experience any difficulties.
For more information, please refer to the New Meeting Join Flow FAQ page.