Searching For Content In A Course


This article will show you how to search for content within a Blackboard course using the course content title search.


When to Use?

It is sometimes difficult to remember the location of a course item. In the past, locating an item was a time-intensive task and unintuitive. Searching for the item would involve opening every folder or learning module to find the item. Now in Blackboard Ultra, you can search course content titles to find these items on the course content page. The course search icon, a magnifying glass, is easy to find at the top of the course content page. When a user types a few letters, the course search function displays a list of matching items by title. A user may expand the search results to view more information related to the course item(s).


The course search icon is located in the top right corner of the Course Content page.


When you click on the course search icon, a search bar will expand where you can insert text or emojis.


As you type, Blackboard will begin to generate results based on what you have entered.

Course Search findings


Clicking enter or return will generate all search results in the course. From there, users can select the assessment or item that they were looking for.

“Show all item results” window


To clear search results and view all course content, select clear search.

“Clear search” option



Article ID: 13234
Tue 4/18/23 3:44 PM
Tue 2/18/25 9:42 AM

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